Tag Archives: modesty

Fall Reading List

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I haven’t done this before, but I’m always reading good articles and blog posts and I felt it was time to recommend a few. My favorite articles are always the ones which make the reader take a step back and consider them for a while. I am always looking for enlightenment, so to speak. The following, in my opinion, offer just that.

Why Courtship Is Fundamentally Flawed  This is a good read for anyone, but especially conservatives and parents. Very interesting and fresh perspective on dating that I haven’t heard before.

Why Women Aren’t Crazy  “A remark intended to shut you down like, ‘Calm down, you’re overreacting,’ after you just addressed someone else’s bad behavior, is emotional manipulation—pure and simple. And this is the sort of emotional manipulation that feeds an epidemic in our country, an epidemic that defines women as crazy, irrational, overly sensitive, unhinged.”

This article deals with the misconceptions about women in our society, especially by men, and the (relatively unknown) topic of gaslighting.

Why Yoga Pants Are Incredibly Dangerous For Today’s Youth  This is my favorite post to date which touches on the subject of modesty, women’s bodies, and dress codes.

Why Wheat Is Ruining Your Life  The author of “Wheat Belly” explains in an interview so much about health and food in the most intelligent way, ever.

The White Problem  “I don’t think I was born white. I think white children are manufactured.” WOW to this whole article. Wow.

“Not Again” by Arundhati Roy  Found this writing per Peer Landa, CCRMA at Stanford University. I have no way to describe the brilliance of her words.

And some videos- How Frozen Should Have Ended (just for fun), What Guys Look For In Girls, We Are Legion- The Story Of The Hacktivists (Documentary)